We believe in the power of regenerative food: We recognize that regenerative food practices can restore ecosystems, improve soil health, and combat climate change. We strive to accelerate the adoption of regenerative food for a healthier planet and future generations.

We believe in the democratization of access: We are dedicated to breaking down barriers and ensuring that regenerative food is accessible to all communities.

We believe in celebrating diversity, tradition, and innovation: We celebrate the diversity of cultures, cuisines, and food traditions. And we also welcome new solutions when they take into consideration more than financial considerations and market opportunities.

We believe in conscious consumption: We encourage mindful consumption practices that consider the environmental and social impacts of our food choices. We advocate for conscious sourcing, waste reduction, and ethical production methods that prioritize the well-being of people, animals, and the planet.

We believe in the power of education: We strive to educate and empower individuals to make informed choices about their food. Through workshops, events, and digital platforms, we provide knowledge and resources to inspire behavior change and promote sustainable food practices.


We believe in embracing complexity: Our food systems are complex and the tensions we face today overwhelming. We acknowledge this reality and also the necessity to provide unbiased, trustworthy data that is easily accessible to all.

We believe in culinary excellence: We value the artistry and craftsmanship of chefs and culinary professionals. We support their creativity and commitment to using regenerative ingredients, elevating the gastronomic experience, and creating delicious food that nourishes both the body and the soul.

We believe in collaboration: we partner with values-aligned organizations and institutions, from academia to entertainment.

We recognize that change is hard. Especially dietary habits. But hard is not impossible.
We believe that our individual everyday choices matter - and remind us of our power as citizens, consumers, and stewards of our land.
We believe in individual action for collective impact.

We believe in the power of story to inspire deep questions and practical answers.

We believe in the power of the arts to allow for untethered exploration and open up possibilities.

We believe in supporting a future of food that works for 100% of life.

Delicious Future is a social enterprise founded in Oakland in 2022 to accelerate the adoption of regenerative food for the health and wellbeing of our planet and our diverse communities.

We act as the connective tissue between innovators and participants in our complex food ecosystem: food producers, chefs, families and consumers, artists engaging these issues, businesses, and nonprofit organizations.


We are a group of passionate entrepreneurs dedicated to democratizing the access to and the adoption of regenerative food. We share our passion for good food, community, and challenging the status quo.

As a collective, we have experience in hospitality and culinary arts, design, innovation, digital health, brand building, event production, behavior change, community management, & management consulting.

Welcome to the future of food.
It’s delicious.

Stephen Goldmann is a creator and innovator who has dedicated his career to understanding and improving how people eat.

Stephen has been a strategic advisor, business founder and product developer across categories and business sizes. His background covers all levels of restaurant, CPG, retail, agriculture and technology.

The work Stephen supported resulted in impactful strategies and products for the largest food companies (Starbucks, Panera Bread, Marriott Hotels) down to startups, both of his own (Mindful Meats, Starbird Chicken, Five Suns Foods) and for others (Bun Mee, Fraiche Yogurt, Roam Burger all in San Francisco).

For his professional career, San Francisco has always been a home base where, after attending Colorado State University, Stephen began work as fine dining chef. This foundation developed his love and passion for hospitality, and encouraged his years working in kitchens around the world (Paris, Sydney, Shanghai and Beijing). These experiences allowed Stephen his broad appreciation and understanding of cuisine and also set him on a long path of exploring the food system and its relationship to us as eaters.


Raphaelle has long focused her attention on nutrition, health, and innovation and community-building through shared, positive, creative experiences.

She imagined Future Feasts regenerative dinners as her main project for the Design Science Studio - Buckminster Fuller’s Institute “(r)Evolutionary incubator for ART inspiring a regenerative future that works for 100% of life”.

Raphaelle has produced and curated events for the past 20 years to showcase and encourage fruitful innovation at the intersection of design, health, tech, and business.

A native of Paris, France, Raphaelle grew up with access to quality, diverse foods that were local, seasonal, and fresh. Learning from her North African roots and French culinary traditions, she started cooking at age 11 for friends and family.

She is known for her eclecticism and eagerness to try new foods and flavors - and for that, living in the Bay Area has been a blessing.

With Delicious Future, Raphaelle is bridging her passion for human rights, creativity, social justice, entrepreneurship, and human connection.




If you're interested in partnership and sponsoring opportunities, we'd love to hear from you.